A line is a line they say....until it disappears. Boo!

So, Eric and I went on a cruise to celebrate our first anniversary and it was fabulous! Except for the fact that my period came in the middle of the trip, hence confirming what I feared-I wasn't pregnant afterall. 

According to the doctor I may have had what is known as a chemical pregnancy. I knew something just wasn't right. I tested quite a few times and instead of growing darker, the line just grew fainter. Then I took a digital test and it said negative. I chalked it up to being too early though. However, on vacation I had one of the worst periods ever. Came home to a note from the doctor with my first appt and ultrasound scheduled dates. Called them, explained and they had me come in for an HCG test. Confirmed, not pregnant (-2 Quant) and progesterone very low which probably contributed to the loss if there was one. Doctor wasn't concerned about the progesterone levels though since they did raise after I had my surge on my ovulation test. In fact they were 19.1 on a scale of 1.5-20. So at least that is all working out right!

Back to trying we go!

In other news, one of my closest friends also got a positive test -very faint line too...but hers is sticking! So excited for her!!

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