Today was torture! And it was all Sam Aldoms fault lol

Thank goodness liquids day is over! Today I went grocery shopping for the remained of my detox. Good thing I don’t do this all the time because I’d be broke if so!

We went to a BBQ at Sam’s. Their food smelled delliiicious! I wanted a burgers so badly. But I obstained!  I was so proud of myself! Wings, burgers, Brownies, cookies….coulda been the death of me. I brought a fruit tray as my side (surprise, surprise). It was full of cantaloupe, strawberries, grapes, pineapple, mango, and watermelon. I ate a ton of it. I also brought a bottle of water with lemon and a blood orange and Basil flavored water. I ate 3 apples during the day too to help. Prior to the BBQ I snacked on the fruit for the platter and had a glass of mango juice when I woke up. I ate another whole mango before bed.

I have to say I was pretty fricken proud of myself! So much temptation and I did it! Yay me! Lol

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