Starving when I wokeup this morning! Ate carrots with hot sauce on way to work and at work while drinking passion tea. Drank a bottle of water with lemon during the morning and some veggie juice (with extra fiber). Had some blueberries at lunch and continued sipping my veggie juice and water haha. Dinnertime had a delicious salad with lettuce, tomato, zuccinni, strawberries, banana peppers, and pepperoncini. Oh and a whole avacado. Yum! Grapefruit for desert …delish! Test for today was the kids lunch. Who knew a school lunch would look so tempting! Im a sucker for burritos though!
Felt good today.  But tired. Could have something to do with going to bed at 130 am though 
Looking forward to rice tomorrow! Though debating extending fruits and veggies for a few more days… 
Today I woke up…hungry. lol. But I felt good. I actually felt more awake this morning and better rested..I guess it helps that I went to sleep before 2am lol. Today I started the day with passion tea. I was starving all morning so I ate cauliflower with hot sauce. For lunch I had cantalope ..lots of cantalope…lol. I drank about half of a grapefruit and sage flavored water. When I was hungry I drank v8 which kept me satisfied. I had zucchini and tomato sauce for dinner on the road to kickball-which was my exercise for the day. Then came the test….bar food and margaritas. Despite the knowledge that tequila comes from a cactus which is kind of a vegetable lol I didn’t break down!

Felt great all day then weighed in at xx7.1…down 5 lbs! I could get used to this!


Ok so I  thought I would kick this off going to the gym, but ya know what, I didnt decide to go to bed until 2:30 am sunday night and hence did not wake up at 4:30 as originally planned . Oh well, my first graders kicked my butt at football at recess today haha.

So, woke up tired and hungry. Poured myself a glass of sun tea and took it with me, along with a bag of green beans. Apparently the green bags were bad, so after only a few of them, I had to throw them out. at lunch I ate 2.5 bananas, had a naked Acai explosion (or something like that) as a snack (I was ravenous when I left work). We went shopping and I bought $50 worth of good foods. I ate a handfull or so of a green and yellow beans and carrots seasoned with salt and pepper, and had eggplant roasted in the oven, sprayed with olive oil and season-all. Later I ate a whole grapefruit.

I was hungry today, but it wasnt unmanageable. The hardest part of the whole day way not allowing myself to eat the nachos eric was making. UGH! I looove nachos!

 I’m not keen about positng my actual weight, but ill say that I started at XX2.6 One thing I did notice was I did not drink near enogh liquids today. That will change for tomorrow!

So I've decided to do a 7 day (modified) detox. After spring break last week I just felt bleh and needed some motivation to get healthier!

The 7 day detox is as follows:

Stage 1 Liquids only, Stage 2 Liquids and fruit only, Stage 3 Add raw vegetables, Stage 4 Add cooked vegetables and brown rice, Stage 5 Add beans, lentils, nuts and seeds, Stage 6 Add grains and live yogurt, Stage 7 Add fish

I'm however modifying it and combining stages 1-4 into 3 days of pure vegetables and fruits only. Then proceeding with stage 4 as day 4, stage 5 as day 5, etc. I think I will also be adding in chicken, some meat, and dairy...but sparingly...

We'll see how it goes! Wish me luck!

I contacted the doctor to speak to him regarding how long we should wait before consulting him while trying to conceive. I went in and spoke to him and e is confident things will happen. Perhaps its my body still adjusting. But since I got a positive test at some point he thinks I should keep trying. He did order bloodwork, which again showed low progesterone but he is not concerned. I guess we just keep trying and wait...frustrating!
A line is a line they say....until it disappears. Boo!

So, Eric and I went on a cruise to celebrate our first anniversary and it was fabulous! Except for the fact that my period came in the middle of the trip, hence confirming what I feared-I wasn't pregnant afterall. 

According to the doctor I may have had what is known as a chemical pregnancy. I knew something just wasn't right. I tested quite a few times and instead of growing darker, the line just grew fainter. Then I took a digital test and it said negative. I chalked it up to being too early though. However, on vacation I had one of the worst periods ever. Came home to a note from the doctor with my first appt and ultrasound scheduled dates. Called them, explained and they had me come in for an HCG test. Confirmed, not pregnant (-2 Quant) and progesterone very low which probably contributed to the loss if there was one. Doctor wasn't concerned about the progesterone levels though since they did raise after I had my surge on my ovulation test. In fact they were 19.1 on a scale of 1.5-20. So at least that is all working out right!

Back to trying we go!

In other news, one of my closest friends also got a positive test -very faint line too...but hers is sticking! So excited for her!!

Look CLOSELY!! Super faint, but it's there!!
It's time.

Time for Eric and I to add to our little family of him, me, Hana, Leela, Oreo, and Dizzy. Oh and Slytherin too.

I went to the doctor last week and he's fabulous. I really love my doctor. He knows I want to try and time the baby with the end of the school year so he suggested a ovulation predictor kit. Especially because my body has been less than cooperative. I started tracking in the fall and had consistent 30 day cycles which have recently moved to 40ish days.

So I started the ovulation tests on Monday. It was only day 10 so I wasnt expecting anything. In fact the doctor said I probably wouldnt see anything until day 20. He said i might even want to wait until day  20 to start them so I ddn't drive myself crazy. I told him I didn't mind right now. Which is good because on Saturday I got a test indicating an LH surge! whoo hooo!

I was very skeptical as #1 it was early, and #2 I had been detecting LH all week, just not strong. The test line has to be darker than the control. I started freaking out on Saturday and was very excited! Conincidentally this was also Eric's 30th birthday! Hopefully we will have a fantastic birthday gift for him!

The timing of this would be perfect, however, I'm trying VERY hard not to get my hopes up! Though we havent been "trying" in the past we also havent been not trying. But I've been excited and let down before. I don't want it to happen again. However, it's going to be a very long 2 weeks!

I felt some cramping later in the day on Sunday and I'm hoping the test wasn't a fluke and everything is going as planned. I've had some aching too, so fingeres are crossed.

Since I'm a dork I took a picture of the test. It's definitely positve for LH! Look at that dark test line! haha. I go to the doctor next week for bloodwork to be sure I ovulated. Whoo hoo!